Tagged: Suffering

In Your Valley…

  Are you walking through a valley right now? I have gone through some deep valleys in my life.  When my dad died.  When I suffered from depression, and at a few other times....

Cancer: Overwhelming

A common theme that underscores many conversations I have with others, is that my cancer diagnosis must be overwhelming. I understand why this is so. Cancer should be overwhelming. It is a terrible disease.  In...

Do You Weep For Them?

Do You Weep For Them?

According to the World Health organization, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. That means that there are approximately 125,000 abortions per day. That is just over 3 human lives...

Everyone has reposted this. So why not me? Here is a blog by a Christian mother who was in the theatre with her 2 teenagers when the gunman opened fire. She gives all the...