Bold Love: Loving My Abusive Father
I first read Dan Allender’s book Bold Love when I was about 18 years old. You see, I had an abuser in my life. My dad was my abuser, but he was also my...
Musings about christian things...
I first read Dan Allender’s book Bold Love when I was about 18 years old. You see, I had an abuser in my life. My dad was my abuser, but he was also my...
Christian Living / Church Life / Sexuality / Sin / Suffering / The Gospel
by One Christian Dad · Published July 14, 2013
I believe that a child of God can fall into sin…even grievous and horrible sin. Sin that is so awful, so foul, so detestable that they can make even the godliest person want to...
I am weak. So Very Weak. I heard a song on the radio today. I sang along as I have a hundred times before, mindlessly (and poorly) mimicking the lead singer. I am sure most of you...
It might seem odd that I find comfort in another man’s failings, but I find comfort in the story of Peter’s denial and his restoration by Jesus. Sometime soon after his denial, Peter was...
Ever since I wrote the article “Smoking and Tim Hortons: Don’t They Know It’s a Sin?” I have had a few conversations with people where the topic has changed to smoking. To view the...
“How come so many people in your church smoke? Don’t they know it’s a sin?” This was a question posed to me by a friend of mine who visited one of our congregations and...