Tagged: Prayer

Does God Hear All Prayers?

Does God Hear All Prayers?

A friend of mine asked the question: Does God hear all prayers? Does God even hear those mindless prayers? I guess I could just pull out the Heidleberg Catechism. Hang on. Oh yes here is something...

Like a Friend From Heaven

Like a Friend From Heaven

So this afternoon after dinner, Meagan, our 6 year old, was driving me bananas with her pent up energy. Bouncing off the walls, climbing furniture, wrestling with her brother, throwing toys, just being, well,...

Kids say: Pray for Satan

Kids say: Pray for Satan

When praying with others, it is my routine to ask for prayer requests before I pray. I ask if there is anything they want to thank God for or any supplication that they wish...

Everyone has reposted this. So why not me? Here is a blog by a Christian mother who was in the theatre with her 2 teenagers when the gunman opened fire. She gives all the...

Water the Seed…

Water the Seed…

Last week when we gathered for corporate worship on Sunday morning and candidate Pol began his sermon, I could not help but think of him as a servant tending the garden of his master,...