This Road Leads to Hell
In the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, hell is mentioned 234 times. If life’s road were twenty-seven miles long, and there were 234 billboards along this route which all read, “This road leads...
Musings about christian things...
In the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, hell is mentioned 234 times. If life’s road were twenty-seven miles long, and there were 234 billboards along this route which all read, “This road leads...
Recently, I heard an elder in my congregation say “We ( the elders) covet your prayers.” OK. Then the following day I read a blog post that ended with “I covet your prayers.” Really?...
Christian Living / Family Issues / Men's Topics / Prayer / Worship
by One Christian Dad · Published November 12, 2012
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. This is the text on a giveaway.that I am holding this week. I started really thinking about what this text means and how...