Tagged: Jesus

Men For God Conference 2015

Men For God Conference 2015

Did you hear the one about a Canadian, a Malawian, an American and a Zambian who all walked into a church? Turns out a conference broke out! This past weekend I attended the Men...

Pro Life?  I am Pro Jesus

Pro Life? I am Pro Jesus

“You anti-abortion, mysoginystic [sic] anti-abortion bigots all make me sick!”  Redundant…Oh, there was also some stuff about not caring about the teen unwed mom, Westboro baptists, blowing up abortion clinics and something about posting...

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

“I know what that is” proclaimed my 6 year old as she proudly pointed to the poppy on my jacket, “That is a poppy.  And it is so we don’t forget the soldier who...