Tagged: Jesus

As Depression Stalks

Something stalks me. Something dark. Something relentless. As depression stalks, I lose hope.  Maybe blogging about it will help. Depression 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with major depression.  I blogged my way through...

Your Personality Profile Is Tainted

There is this personality profile test going around Facebook. You’ve likely seen it.  Most of us have probably taken it, even if you didn’t share your results. I took it. Here is a screen...

In Your Valley…

  Are you walking through a valley right now? I have gone through some deep valleys in my life.  When my dad died.  When I suffered from depression, and at a few other times....

My Cancer Journey: Part 7: Thankful

Day 38 continues… My  meeting with my oncologist, Dr. Le, went well, in fact it was a little anticlimactic.  She is happy with how I am handling the Chemo, and there is no reason to...