Men: Where Are We Going Wrong?
Everyone has different priorities. What are yours? If I look back at my life, when I was single, my priorities were playing video games, soccer, drinking slurpees on weekdays and beer on weekends, hanging...
Musings about christian things...
Everyone has different priorities. What are yours? If I look back at my life, when I was single, my priorities were playing video games, soccer, drinking slurpees on weekdays and beer on weekends, hanging...
This Sunday my pastor preached a sermon entitled “In His Word, God Reveals the Only Mediator” and I was personally challenged in an area of my faith life…having personal devotions. If you follow my blog, you...
One of my passions is to encourage men rise up to their calling to be godly husbands and fathers. There is little that thrills me more than a man asking me how to start...
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 In the Bible we read of the church as different things, one is the bride, another is the body. We are all part of one body; the body of...
Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:13-16 Devotional: The disciples sat listening to Jesus as He taught them things they had never heard before. Jesus told us that we are like salt. Isn’t that funny? Q. What did...
Advent Family Devotions / Christmas / Family Issues
by One Christian Dad · Published December 2, 2012
Hi everyone, I have been writing an advent family worship devotional for my family and number of people have requested that I post it here. I am aiming it at my 6 year old,...
Christian Living / Family Issues / Men's Topics / Prayer / Worship
by One Christian Dad · Published November 12, 2012
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. This is the text on a giveaway.that I am holding this week. I started really thinking about what this text means and how...
I was a lazy father. I am not talking about work life (although I used to be lazy at that as well). For 3 years I worked 70-80 hours per week. I once worked...
Dinner time is also a time for family devotions in our household – but these short moments of Bible reading and asking our oldest a few questions seem to be rather shallow. I want...