One Christian Dad Blog

The Problem Of Corporate Prayer

The Problem Of Corporate Prayer

This article is by Mark Jones and first appeared on Reformation21. People do what they want to do. Regrettably, when it comes to Christians, they seem to not want to pray together at prayer meetings....

Does God Hear All Prayers?

Does God Hear All Prayers?

A friend of mine asked the question: Does God hear all prayers? Does God even hear those mindless prayers? I guess I could just pull out the Heidleberg Catechism. Hang on. Oh yes here is something...

Like a Friend From Heaven

Like a Friend From Heaven

So this afternoon after dinner, Meagan, our 6 year old, was driving me bananas with her pent up energy. Bouncing off the walls, climbing furniture, wrestling with her brother, throwing toys, just being, well,...

Fare Thee Well, Dear Chilliwack.

Fare Thee Well, Dear Chilliwack.

Well my friends, The move is complete. We are “settled” in our new city, new jobs, new church, new school, …perhaps settled is the wrong word, because it has been turbulent and stressful to...

4th Annual Titus 2:1 Award

4th Annual Titus 2:1 Award

I received a large number of nominations for the 4th annual Titus 2:1 award. Thank you! So many so, that I could not check them all out!  However 4 of the blogs received multiple...