One Christian Dad Blog

God Accepts You

God Accepts You

A meme I saw today said, “God accepts you just as you are…” Lots of people liked it. It sounds nice and heart warming…but it’s not true. He doesn’t accept me just as I...

Thou Shalt Spank…

Thou Shalt Spank…

Spanking. To spank or not to spank? Whenever the debate of spanking comes up, often Christians quote the “thou shalt spank” verse: “Spare the rod and spoil the child.”  Sounds good, doesn’t it? I...

A Canadian, Reformed, Mega Church

A Canadian, Reformed, Mega Church

Reports out of Hamilton, Ontario, from the 58th annual general synod, suggest that in an effort to more effectively reach their local communities, 17 of the local churches in Classis Ontario Westside and Classis Ontario Midwest will join...