One Christian Dad Blog

I don’t normally “reblog” someone else’s blog…but this is an exception, as this needs to be said. Here is a post from Rev. Wes Bredenhof. I hope that through this message our Lord will...

Family Worship: Advent Day 4

Family Worship: Advent Day 4

Advent: Day 4 Wednesday Scripture Reading:   Colossians 2:6-7; Galatians 5:22,23; Ephesians 5:8-14 Devotional: Q. Do you like to get gifts? At Christmas time most people get gifts.  The greatest gift of all is Jesus. ...

I am Passionate and Frustrated

I am Passionate and Frustrated

I am passionate and frustrated. About what?  I am passionate about evangelism and I am frustrated at the seeming apathy towards it from our Churches. I have a title. It may be the longest...