One Christian Dad Blog

Thursday Tidbits

Thursday Tidbits

Today’s tidbits are 3 fantastic articles I read over breakfast: Yes I had a fruit smoothie.   The Christian Introvert Tim Challies wrote an article that spoke to me, since I am an Introvert....

Tasty Tidbits

Tasty Tidbits

Verse of the Day He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. ~Micah 6:8 Quote...

Tasty Tidbits

Tasty Tidbits

Verse of the Day Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the...

Tasty Tidbits

Tasty Tidbits

Welcome to my new column, Tasty Tidbits.  A number of readers asked me to do a regular post with with a few short items.  I thought that I would give it a shot since...

2012 in Review

2012 in Review

I started this blog on March 8, 2012 as an outreach tool.  I wanted to reach out to the lonely, the distressed, the lost and the hurting both within and outside the church.  A...

Top 10: My Favorite

Top 10: My Favorite

Yesterday I posted the top 10 traffic generating posts of the year.  Today I am going to *attempt* show you my top ten favorite posts.  These posts have meaning to me, far more than...

Advent 4th Sunday

Advent 4th Sunday

It is the 4th Sunday of Advent.  I normally do not blog on Sunday, but someone asked if I could post this, and since I forgot to post it yesterday. Scripture Reading:   1 John 1:1-7;...