One Christian Dad Blog

Righteous Anger?

Righteous Anger?

From Rosalie Antuma: ”  I wonder if you can comment/blog about “righteous anger”. I’ve been wrestling with what that truly means and would love another perspective.” Hi Rosalie,  Yes I can blog about it!...

Do Not Lose Heart.

Do Not Lose Heart.

Ever get overwhelmed when you pray? I do, sometimes. There is so much to pray for. So many prayer requests. So much supplication to make. So many people are struggling.  And the struggles are...

The Calvinist

The Calvinist

I don’t normally listen to poetry, but I recently heard this poem entitled “The Calvinist” by John Piper. Piper is joined by D.A. Carson, R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, Thabiti Anyabwile, Matt Chandler, and Sinclair...

Kaitlyn Singing By Faith

Kaitlyn Singing By Faith

I love to hear my children sing praise. Here is a video of our shy little Kaitlyn practicing for her School’s Christmas concert.  It’s not often we will catch her on video. 🙂