One Christian Dad Blog

What Happens When God Sings?

What Happens When God Sings?

The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing....

Would You Please Pray

Would You Please Pray

When we pray we are proclaiming that we cannot do anything without Jesus Christ. In Prayer we turn away from ourselves and our own “strength”and instead turn to God in the confidence that He...

Public Accountability

Public Accountability

When asked why I let my health and fitness go, my response was that I  no longer had any motivation. Bad response.  I was challenged to bring back my old fitness blog that I...

How Do You Stay Active?

How Do You Stay Active?

This post is not going to be a biblical defense about why a Christian should eat healthy and exercise – although that is a great idea for a blog post – this post is...

Controversy Sells… Again.

Controversy Sells… Again.

Controversy Sells…Again. Last year the most read posts on One Christian Dad  were controversial topics, and the same is true of this year.  Here are the Top Ten most read posts of 2013:  10. Sleeping...