One Christian Dad Blog

Easy Prey

Easy Prey

I once had a guy, who no longer goes to a church, tell me that he still believes in Jesus, but can’t be bothered to join a church because he is just tired of...

Whose Side Is God On?

Whose Side Is God On?

  In the year 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the first crusade to reclaim the “holy land.” For nearly 200 years until 1291, massive blood shed occurred in the “holy land” as the Catholic Church...

God’s Bottle

God’s Bottle

Be gracious to me, O God, for man tramples on me;     all day long an attacker oppresses me; my enemies trample on me all day long,     for many attack me proudly. When I am...

God Has Given Us Over.

God Has Given Us Over.

Three years ago, when President Obama stated that he approved of same sex marriage, I got on my soapbox and wrote an article entitled “God is giving us over.”  In light of the recent...