Friends You Should Meet (4) — W. W. J. Van Oene
Rev. W.W.J Van Oene was promoted to glory this morning. The number of people he touched in 70 years in the ministry is impossible to quantify. Mightily used by God in this life, now...
Musings about christian things...
Rev. W.W.J Van Oene was promoted to glory this morning. The number of people he touched in 70 years in the ministry is impossible to quantify. Mightily used by God in this life, now...
Here is a post from my wife’s blog. She really did text me at work, trying to work through this passage. There is nothing that blesses my heart as much as seeing my wife...
Family Issues / Suffering / The Gospel / Uncategorized
by One Christian Dad · Published September 20, 2013
I often struggle with the fact that cancer exists. Oh sure, I am an advocate of the sovereignty of God, I believe that He rules over all… but cancer took my dad from me....
Please visit for more christian comics by Adam Ford.
See the title? That is about you. Yes. You. I am talking to you. The next time you whisper to me about someone’s secret things, whether they are true or not, I am going to...
I often get questions like, “Who is Jaco Devisser?” or “Why do you link to an IT guy’s blog off of yours?” Well for starters, Jaco is my brother in law. For another reason,...
“…we don’t evangelize, too many people smoke, too many people drink, people in our church are lukewarm and complacent, we are religiously arrogant, our songs are too old fashioned and somber, our worship services...
I am an Arminian, I guess, actually I am not sure, but I know I am not a Calvinist. But I am curious about Calvinism. I attend a Pentecostal Church and I have a...
When I was young child I used to envision Hell as a place burning with fire and brimstone located at the center of the earth where a bearded, goat-like man, wearing a red leotard...