Have I Truly Repented?
“Have I truly Repented?” This is one of the most painful questions ever asked of me. Honestly I don’t know. How could I? I can’t answer that question, but what I can answer...
Musings about christian things...
Christian Living / Christianity 101 / Sin / The Gospel / Theology
by One Christian Dad · Published November 21, 2013
“Have I truly Repented?” This is one of the most painful questions ever asked of me. Honestly I don’t know. How could I? I can’t answer that question, but what I can answer...
After posting an article by Tim Challies on my Facebook page I have received a number of messages about the comments that were being posted in response. Most of the messages were genuine questions of confusion, so...
Evangelism / Sovereignty / The Gospel / Theology
by One Christian Dad · Published September 16, 2013
Anonymous states: “Reformed theology is fundamentally flawed in that it’s high view of the sovereignty of God creates a mindset among believers that neglects the great commission.” If you are not a Reformed Christian, like my anonymous...
The following article is written by guest blogger Paul Jubenvill, a friend of mine and a dear brother in Christ. Both of us were born outside of the Canadian Reformed Churches and raised in...
Part one: Easy reading I am occasionally accused by some as being a closet Arminian. Usually this is said tongue-in-cheek, because anyone who knows me knows that I am Reformed through and through. This...
My Pastor, Rev. Abel Pol, preached yesterday on “Hallowed be your name,” the first petition of the Lord’s prayer. I appreciated this sermon very much. Here is a quote from the sermon: “Knowing God...