Have I Truly Repented?
“Have I truly Repented?” This is one of the most painful questions ever asked of me. Honestly I don’t know. How could I? I can’t answer that question, but what I can answer...
Musings about christian things...
Christian Living / Christianity 101 / Sin / The Gospel / Theology
by One Christian Dad · Published November 21, 2013
“Have I truly Repented?” This is one of the most painful questions ever asked of me. Honestly I don’t know. How could I? I can’t answer that question, but what I can answer...
In the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, hell is mentioned 234 times. If life’s road were twenty-seven miles long, and there were 234 billboards along this route which all read, “This road leads...
Christian Living / Suffering / The Gospel / Uncategorized / Worship
by One Christian Dad · Published October 12, 2013
Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. ~ 1 Chronicles 29:13 I had a Thanksgiving post all ready to go, (it is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada) there was even a...
Family Issues / Suffering / The Gospel / Uncategorized
by One Christian Dad · Published September 20, 2013
I often struggle with the fact that cancer exists. Oh sure, I am an advocate of the sovereignty of God, I believe that He rules over all… but cancer took my dad from me....
Evangelism / Sovereignty / The Gospel / Theology
by One Christian Dad · Published September 16, 2013
Anonymous states: “Reformed theology is fundamentally flawed in that it’s high view of the sovereignty of God creates a mindset among believers that neglects the great commission.” If you are not a Reformed Christian, like my anonymous...
I am tired and grumpy. I am working evening shift right now. My days are long and my nights are short. I am running on little sleep, I don’t see my wife except for...
The following article is written by guest blogger Paul Jubenvill, a friend of mine and a dear brother in Christ. Both of us were born outside of the Canadian Reformed Churches and raised in...
From Anonymous: ” My Husband is short tempered and usually is angry at me and our kids… (a list of other character defects, sins and shortcomings) I am really questioning my marriage right now, if he is the person I...
This past Sunday my pastor preached a sermon entitled, “Hear the good news of the death of Jesus Christ”, I have extracted a clip for you to watch below. I am certainly guilty of...
A friend asked: “What is your favorite verse or what scripture had the most profound effect on you?” Good question. I do not have an all time “favorite” verse, as my “favorite” verse, or...