In Your Valley…
Are you walking through a valley right now? I have gone through some deep valleys in my life. When my dad died. When I suffered from depression, and at a few other times....
Musings about christian things...
Are you walking through a valley right now? I have gone through some deep valleys in my life. When my dad died. When I suffered from depression, and at a few other times....
According to the World Health organization, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. That means that there are approximately 125,000 abortions per day. That is just over 3 human lives...
Chelsea is a young teenager, barely seventeen. In the early autumn sunset, her silhouette is both strong and graceful. The sun casts a long shadow at this time of day. On the lake shore, she stands alone, her long, blonde hair...
“I have doubts. But people just laugh them off. Does anyone care? I guess perhaps it is time to move on…” “I am struggling with alcohol. I keep giving in, getting drunk…no one gets hurt,...
I am staying home from work today. Meagan, our 4 year old, has been sick for 3 days. It is probably just the stomach flu, but it is hard to take. Unable to...
Anonymous asks, “I feel hopeless. What can I do?” I have suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder my entire adult life. It usually kicks in around now, it has not this year and I thank...
Christian Living / Church Life / Family Issues / Suffering
by One Christian Dad · Published January 23, 2014
Reposted from HeadHeartHands: Someone recently told me that he had finally and reluctantly decided to go to the doctor about his painful and debilitating depression and ask about going on meds. I knew this...
Christian Living / Suffering / The Gospel / Uncategorized / Worship
by One Christian Dad · Published October 12, 2013
Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. ~ 1 Chronicles 29:13 I had a Thanksgiving post all ready to go, (it is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada) there was even a...
Family Issues / Suffering / The Gospel / Uncategorized
by One Christian Dad · Published September 20, 2013
I often struggle with the fact that cancer exists. Oh sure, I am an advocate of the sovereignty of God, I believe that He rules over all… but cancer took my dad from me....
Christian Living / Church Life / Sexuality / Sin / Suffering / The Gospel
by One Christian Dad · Published July 14, 2013
I believe that a child of God can fall into sin…even grievous and horrible sin. Sin that is so awful, so foul, so detestable that they can make even the godliest person want to...