Stop Spending Time With Jesus.
It has been a long time since I spent much time on God, or Jesus, or the Word, or anything of eternal value really. I rarely open my Bible, because between family and running...
Musings about christian things...
It has been a long time since I spent much time on God, or Jesus, or the Word, or anything of eternal value really. I rarely open my Bible, because between family and running...
A friend of mine asked the question: Does God hear all prayers? Does God even hear those mindless prayers? I guess I could just pull out the Heidleberg Catechism. Hang on. Oh yes here is something...
Christianity 101 / Family Issues / Prayer / Worship
by One Christian Dad · Published January 3, 2014
“I am a single mom. I recently became a Christian and I have 3 young children under the age of 8 and want to have family devotions with them but I am not sure...
You know how it is. You are probably in a similar stage of life as me. You have a husband or a wife, kids, committees, church functions, friends, school functions, work, appointments, shool, homework…...
I am far too shy and introverted to pray with you. I mean I can pray in my head with you…but…wait…what’s that? You want me to pray with you… out loud? With audible words?...
This Sunday my pastor preached a sermon entitled “In His Word, God Reveals the Only Mediator” and I was personally challenged in an area of my faith life…having personal devotions. If you follow my blog, you...
I am weak. So Very Weak. I heard a song on the radio today. I sang along as I have a hundred times before, mindlessly (and poorly) mimicking the lead singer. I am sure most of you...
Blessed Creator, Thou hast promised thy beloved sleep; Give me restoring rest needful for tomorrow’s toil; If dreams be mine, let them not be tinged with evil. Let thy Spirit make my time of...
Thou has brought me to the valley of vision, where I live in the depths but see thee in the heights; hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold thy glory. Let me learn...
We hear often about the “sinner’s prayer.” Regardless of what you feel about that prayer…Here is the prayer of a sinner who writes under the name of One Christian Dad. I am a...