As Depression Stalks
Something stalks me. Something dark. Something relentless. As depression stalks, I lose hope. Maybe blogging about it will help. Depression 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with major depression. I blogged my way through...
Musings about christian things...
Something stalks me. Something dark. Something relentless. As depression stalks, I lose hope. Maybe blogging about it will help. Depression 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with major depression. I blogged my way through...
by One Christian Dad · Published December 20, 2016 · Last modified December 21, 2016
Would You Rather Have Cancer or Depression? A reader recently asked me this question. On the surface, it is a terrible question, but in context, it wasn’t so bad. This person struggles with...
When writing about suicide I try to approach the subject sensitively. Many, including myself, have been affected by suicide, and it is a very emotional and personal issue. It can be easy for a...
I find that as I come out of a depressive episode (I am thankful that this one was not that intense or long), that the creative juices often flow with thunderous velocity for a time...
“I am too empathetic!” That was not a boast. It was a complaint. I recently received a message from a young lady who asked why God would endow her with a “ridiculous amount of...
Depression. You may know someone who suffers it, but you don’t know it till it has coiled it’s fingers around your neck and slowly squeezed as it held you down for weeks, months, years…. It...
Depression / Heidelberg Catechism / Jesus / Sin / Sovereignty / The Gospel
by One Christian Dad · Published May 6, 2015
“Blessed are those who mourn. For they shall be comforted.” ~ Matthew 5:4 Do you mourn? Presently? Right now? I bet you do. There are many griefs in this life. There are many things...
Choose today to let the peace of Christ rule in your heart and have an attitude of gratitude toward the Lord. Even if you have things that are upsetting you, take a step of...
While struggling in the pit of depression, my counsellour gave me homework. It was initially to help change some negative patterns of thinking that I was stuck in, but I have found it to...
It was a week before Christmas 2014. I sat on a threadbare green couch, an obvious relic from the 1970’s. The office was bright and inviting, despite the cold draft in that old church building....