Category: Depression

As Depression Stalks

Something stalks me. Something dark. Something relentless. As depression stalks, I lose hope.  Maybe blogging about it will help. Depression 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with major depression.  I blogged my way through...

Too Much Empathy?

Too Much Empathy?

“I am too empathetic!” That was not a boast.  It was a complaint. I recently received a message from a young lady who asked why God would endow her with a “ridiculous amount of...

The Gift of Depression

The Gift of Depression

Depression. You may know someone who suffers it, but you don’t know it till it has coiled it’s fingers around your neck and slowly squeezed as it held you down for weeks, months, years…. It...

Grateful for Depression

Grateful for Depression

While struggling in the pit of depression, my counsellour gave me homework.  It was initially to help change some negative patterns of thinking that I was stuck in, but I have found it to...