Category: Christianity 101
Question: “I became a Christian about a year ago. I still struggle with sin of lust and porn addiction, I am still struggling with alcohol and I have anger management problems. I sometimes pray and then immediately afterwards...
Today I watched some footage of past Black Friday’s and saw the hordes of people stampeding, lurching forward through gates and storefront doors, breaking down barriers, knocking over each other and trampling women and...
“Have I truly Repented?” This is one of the most painful questions ever asked of me. Honestly I don’t know. How could I? I can’t answer that question, but what I can answer...
“How can I find Joy? ” One of the earliest memories from my childhood is when my mom taught me about joy. She was washing dishes with Joy Dish soap and I asked what...
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command:...
The Heidleberg Catechism. Lovingly referred to as the “Heidelberger” by some Christians of the Reformed persuasion. For many Reformed Christians it is a daily part of life. We read it with our kids, and most of us have...
“If a believer dies and has not asked God to forgive him for his sins of the day will he be saved, or will he go to hell?” This question was sort of posed...
I am awake because of the brokenness of this world. How about you? It is 1:37 am as I write this on a Friday morning. There is so much brokenness hurt, pain, suffering. Each person I...
My Pastor, Rev. Abel Pol, preached yesterday on “Hallowed be your name,” the first petition of the Lord’s prayer. I appreciated this sermon very much. Here is a quote from the sermon: “Knowing God...
“Aren’t you being legalistic by saying that smoking is a sin for you? “ This is an interesting question to an article that I posted quite a while ago. You can read that article...