Category: Christianity 101



The Heidleberg Catechism.  Lovingly referred to as the “Heidelberger” by some Christians of the Reformed persuasion. For many Reformed Christians it is a daily part of life.  We read it with our kids, and most of us have...

Praise You in this Storm

Praise You in this Storm

I am awake because of the brokenness of this world.  How about you? It is 1:37 am as I write this on a Friday morning.   There is so much brokenness  hurt, pain, suffering.  Each person I...

Knowing God

Knowing God

My Pastor, Rev. Abel Pol, preached yesterday on “Hallowed be your name,” the first petition of the Lord’s prayer.  I appreciated this sermon very much. Here is a quote from the sermon: “Knowing God...

Legalism and Smoking.

Legalism and Smoking.

“Aren’t you being legalistic by saying that smoking is a sin for you? “ This is an interesting question to an article that I posted quite a while ago.  You can read that article...