Personal Devotions… Like Making Love?
Now before you call me a blasphemer, I do have a reason for the title. I was asked by a friend how I do personal devotions. I thought about this question for a while...
Musings about christian things...
Christian Living / Men's Topics / Prayer / Worship
by One Christian Dad · Published October 29, 2012
Now before you call me a blasphemer, I do have a reason for the title. I was asked by a friend how I do personal devotions. I thought about this question for a while...
Are You Sure You Want To Be My Friend? My wife can’t stand me sometimes. Neither can my friends and family. You see one of my dominant personality traits is a spiritual gift. This particular...
When it comes to Jesus, you cannot stick one foot through the narrow gate and keep one leg on the wide road to destruction. You cannot sit on the fence so to speak. If you...
How would you describe your life? Busy? Chaotic? Overwhelming? When I get caught in the organized ( I use that term loosely) chaos of my life I find it so easy to simply slip...
Recently, at my church, we had a sermon by Rev. Wielenga entitled ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW GATE. This sermon was on Matthew 7:13-14. Often, during a sermon, the pastor will give an exhortation to the congregation...
I was going to post an article on nominating office bearer’s since our congregation has a vacant spot for deacon…but then someone asked me the scariest thing that made me redirect the focus of...
It might seem odd that I find comfort in another man’s failings, but I find comfort in the story of Peter’s denial and his restoration by Jesus. Sometime soon after his denial, Peter was...
Christian Living / Christianity 101 / The Gospel / Uncategorized
by One Christian Dad · Published August 2, 2012
I had a bible that looked much like this one. My Mom and my wife can both attest to that. It was marked up, falling apart, I mused over it, I meditated on it,...
Why do you have a title of programs that promote ungodly lifestyles? Because I have seen them. I enjoyed them. But I have another reason. Recently I was talking with some Christian friends when...
Christian Living / Church Life / Evangelism / Suffering
by One Christian Dad · Published July 21, 2012
My congregation volunteers every 3rd Friday of each month at Ruth and Naomi’s Mission in down town Chilliwack. We prepare and serve a meal and deliver a message from the Bible. It is one...