Black Friday Zombies
Today I watched some footage of past Black Friday’s and saw the hordes of people stampeding, lurching forward through gates and storefront doors, breaking down barriers, knocking over each other and trampling women and...
Musings about christian things...
Christian Living / Christianity 101 / The Gospel / Worship
by One Christian Dad · Published November 28, 2013
Today I watched some footage of past Black Friday’s and saw the hordes of people stampeding, lurching forward through gates and storefront doors, breaking down barriers, knocking over each other and trampling women and...
Christian Living / Christianity 101 / Sin / The Gospel / Theology
by One Christian Dad · Published November 21, 2013
“Have I truly Repented?” This is one of the most painful questions ever asked of me. Honestly I don’t know. How could I? I can’t answer that question, but what I can answer...
You know how it is. You are probably in a similar stage of life as me. You have a husband or a wife, kids, committees, church functions, friends, school functions, work, appointments, shool, homework…...
I am tired of Christian radio. What about you? Songs like, “Steal My Show” and “I Love the Way You Hold Me”…etc. really turn me off. These songs are nothing but a good beat...
Christian Living / Suffering / The Gospel / Uncategorized / Worship
by One Christian Dad · Published October 12, 2013
Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. ~ 1 Chronicles 29:13 I had a Thanksgiving post all ready to go, (it is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada) there was even a...
“Did you see what Miley Cyrus did on the VMA’s?” I was asked this by a coworker; it seemed it was all anyone was talking about at work that day. I normally do not...
This past Sunday my pastor preached a sermon entitled, “Hear the good news of the death of Jesus Christ”, I have extracted a clip for you to watch below. I am certainly guilty of...
The cross of Christ is not a recovery program. You do not go to the cross because there is some good in you worth saving. You don’t go to the cross to have a...
Christian Living / Church Life / Sexuality / Sin / Suffering / The Gospel
by One Christian Dad · Published July 14, 2013
I believe that a child of God can fall into sin…even grievous and horrible sin. Sin that is so awful, so foul, so detestable that they can make even the godliest person want to...
“I could do it way better than him.” “Why would she do it that way?” “The committee of administration spent money on that!?” “I can’t believe that he smokes!” “Look at how poorly they...