I Started My Business For The Wrong Reasons
Why did you start your business? When people ask me that question, I often respond with, “So I could spend more time with my family while providing for them.” Or, “So I could work...
Musings about christian things...
Why did you start your business? When people ask me that question, I often respond with, “So I could spend more time with my family while providing for them.” Or, “So I could work...
As Christians, most of us can recite the verse which describes the fruit of the Spirit. Many of us even know what book and verse it is! Galatians 5:22-23. So what is the fruit...
It has been said that “Fear not” or “Do not be afraid” is the most uttered commandment in the Bible. Someone even said that it is written 365 times in the Bible – one for...
Everyone has different priorities. What are yours? If I look back at my life, when I was single, my priorities were playing video games, soccer, drinking slurpees on weekdays and beer on weekends, hanging...
Much has been posted about the use of porn amongst Christians. We have become familiar with alarming statistics like: “2 out of 5 church going men watch porn several times a week; or, 56%...
Daddy show me your muscles! I do my best superhero impression and flex my ‘massive’ arms, she pokes my muscle and giggles. Then she does her best body builder pose with both arms flexed…and...
Question: I was talking with some friends at bible study. We were talking about the two great commands and we were debating if the second greatest command, as Jesus explains it, is also a...
“Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” ~ Romans 12:13 Do we “seek” to show hospitality? We give our tithe and put a few dollars in the offering every...
“Is it possible to love people but not like them? We are called to love everyone, but do we have to like them and what they do?” ~ Anonymous Often both like and...
God’s people are so precious. Even the ones you don’t like very much. Even the ones who have harmed you. Even the ones who you believe deserve nothing from you but a cold shoulder...