The Fruit of the Spirit of Social Media


As Christians, most of us can recite the verse which describes the fruit of the Spirit. Many of us even know what book and verse it is! Galatians 5:22-23.

So what is the fruit of the spirit? Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control.

And that is not a checklist of different fruit”s”, all together these make one fruit. When we are born again to a new life in Jesus Christ, we are filled with the Spirit and he gives us all of these.  And as we grow in our faith, so we grow in this fruit. And all Christians have this fruit.

Jesus said, “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.”
So as Christians we are known by our fruit.  Yes we make mistakes, because we are still in this fallen world, in broken bodies, but take a moment and look at your social media posts, comments and likes. What do they say about you? Because, lets be honest, in this day and age, that is how most of us are known.  I have close to a thousand “friends” on social media.  Am I displaying the fruit of the spirit in posts, comments, and likes?

Sadly, many of us tend to display the the preceding verses list of “acts of the flesh”…

Ok sure, most of us are not displaying orgies and witchcraft – but what about hatred, idolatry, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions , envy, drunkenness?  

How many of us disparage our elected officials, be it Trump, Trudeau or someone else?

How many of us have written rants about the left or the right or something or someone in a rage?

The fruit of the spirit of social media is drama, discord, trolling, gossip, cowardly rants of rage, narcissism, hatred, idolatry…

Do we partake of such things?

Since our world has changed, and much of our interaction is online, we must remember that even there, behind the relative safety of our smart phone screens, and our Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter avatars, that God is present.  That we are to glorify him in all things – even online. That what we do and say and post online, is representative of who we are, and what is in our hearts.

A tree is known by its fruit.  What does your online fruit say about you?






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