Running For Jacob…and Uncle Jack, and Tania, and Pastor Ken, and…me…and you.

As most of you know, I am a cancer survivor.

The scary thing is that 40 years ago, my diagnosis would have been a death sentence, as there were no treatments developed. But through research, they discovered that platinum – tho deadly poison – also cures my form of cancer.

And it is through continued research that more treatments will be developed.

There are so many people to remember, but foremost on my mind are Uncle Jack, Tania, Pastor Ken, and Jacob…

Jacob is the young 13 year old son of a friend was diagnosed with osteo sarcoma in his leg.  He has the same cancer that Terry Fox, a Canadian cancer research activist, had.

So I have joined his team and will be running (or huffing and puffing and wheezing my way to the finish line) for Jacob. It’s good for me to get back into running ( I used to be runner – but am a fat 40 year old now, and that hurts lol).

​Anyway, would you prayerfully consider sponsoring me, or simply giving to cancer research? If you can spare $1, $5, $10, $25, anything will help and will be appreciated!

Click here: Sponsor


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