When The Radiologist is Wrong

Just a quick update.

Recently I had my 6 months tests, a CT Scan, Chest Xray, and blood tests. A week or so later I had my meeting with my oncologist to go over the results.

I had scheduled work that day, which was a silly thing to do, because I never sleep well before this visit. So after a night of tossing and turning, I picked up my employee and we went to work.  Around 1030 I left my employee on the job and went to my appointment.

Yawning the whole way.

It was an interesting visit.  I still have a residual growth in my abdomen.  When I was diagnosed, it was 9cms in size.  Now, over the course of the past year and a half it has decreased in size to around 2cms. But it is still in me. And that bothers me, despite the oncologist saying it is most likely dead tissue.


After the CT scan, the Radiologist wrote in the report that the lymph node had increased in size.  Which is not good. But the blood work came back negative for cancer.  Which is good. So, my oncologist took the report and the scans to the tumor board ( I had no idea there was a tumor board) and had them review the results.  The response from them was that they believe the tumor had actually shrunk a very tiny amount and to continue with monitoring.

SO.  Good news.

Despite the residual growth, I still have no clinical evidence of cancer.






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