5th Annual Titus 2:1 Awards
I am a little late on the award this year. But that is ok. This year, I decided to be a feminist…I mean, the winners of the award are all ladies. Lets cut to the chase.
Anyone who will play along and accept the award is requested to do the following on their blog:
1. Display the “award” on a blog post and thank the person who nominated them.2. Answer the following questions in the blog post:a. If you could have dinner with any historical Christian figure, who would it be and why?b. What 1 burning question would you ask?c. Where and what would you eat?d. What was the last Bible verse you read?3. Now you must nominate at least one more blog for the award. Pay it forward. (This is my favourite part!)
Rebekah Womble is a Reformed Presbyterian, living in Southern Florida (somewhere I would like to be right now…) She is fairly new to the blogging world, but she is very good at what she does. Rebekah writes, “Through biblical articles and book reviews, Wise in His Eyes seeks to help women exercise discernment in what they read and believe about themselves, God, and holy living.” I personally appreciate her book reviews of popular books. They are important in this day and age where discernment is lacking, and when many Bible studies are using books that are less than good, or what she labels as “chaff”.
Michelle Lesley is a Southern Baptist, minister’s wife, with strong Calvinistic leanings. She is a discipleship blogger who aims at a female audience, but does not write book reviews. Michelle is also, “A person who believes the Bible when it says that women are not to instruct (preach, teach, etc.) men in the Scriptures or hold authority over men in the church.” So please don’t be mad at me for reading your blog Michelle…I promise I learned nothing from you…ahem…where was I? Oh Right. Michelle has some hard hitting words for not only false teachers, but those teachers who are in error. Her words may come across as unloving, but when someone is in error (or listening to a teacher who is) the most loving you can do is to warn them. To be fair, that is not all Michelle is about. She is, “someone who deeply desires that you come to know Christ as Savior by repenting of your sin and placing your faith in His death, burial, and resurrection as the payment for the penalty (an eternity in Hell) for your sin, so that you might live free and forgiven and spend eternity with Christ in Heaven.”
Sabrina Jaspers is a member of a Canadian Reformed Church…like me. She married into a crazy ethnic Dutch subculture….like me. She is also a blogger… like me. She also tends to write about whatever catches her fancy…like me. Is it any wonder why I like her blog? Anyway. I appreciate her blog, and her Facebook page, for her authenticity, her spontaneous outbursts of humour, and her honesty.
I hope you enjoy reading these doctrinally sound blogs.
The end.