Monthly Archive: March 2016

Have Some Traditions Become Idols?

Have Some Traditions Become Idols?

Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!” Jesus...

It’s Happening Again!

It’s Happening Again!

    My friend Rev. Fletcher Matandika, pastor of The New Westminster Chapel ( Associated Presbyterian Church) has taken much of his time to plan and coordinate the Men for God conference (a Reformed...

The Problem Of Corporate Prayer

The Problem Of Corporate Prayer

This article is by Mark Jones and first appeared on Reformation21. People do what they want to do. Regrettably, when it comes to Christians, they seem to not want to pray together at prayer meetings....

Does God Hear All Prayers?

Does God Hear All Prayers?

A friend of mine asked the question: Does God hear all prayers? Does God even hear those mindless prayers? I guess I could just pull out the Heidleberg Catechism. Hang on. Oh yes here is something...