4th Annual Titus 2:1 Award


I received a large number of nominations for the 4th annual Titus 2:1 award.

Thank you!

So many so, that I could not check them all out!  However 4 of the blogs received multiple nominations who have not received the award in the past.  So I will nominate those blogs.

The rules:

Anyone who will play along and accept the award is requested to do the following on their blog:

1. Display the “award” on a blog post and thank the person who nominated them.
2. Answer the following questions in the blog post:
     a. If you could have dinner with any historical Christian figure, who would it be and why?
     b. What 1 burning question would you ask?
     c. Where and what would you eat?
     d.  What was the last Bible verse you read?
3. Now you must nominate at least one more blog for the award. Pay it forward.  (This is my favourite part!)


So without further adieu here are the 4 winners for the 4th annual Titus 2:1 award.

Teresa’s Daughter

Born in the church, and then raised outside of it, Natasha is very open about her journey through unbelief back to faith in Christ, as well as her struggles with Bipolar disorder, Faith, Family, and life.

Little Bit of Thyme 

Tash writes about everything from cooking, creating, gardening, her family, her faith and other little bits and pieces!

A little bit of this and a little bit of that:

A little bit of nepotism? 🙂 This blog is run by my wife`s cousin, Nicole, and is mix of family, personal, and churchy stuff.

Creation Without Compromise

Funnily enough, three of the four editors, Rev. Jim Witteveen, Mr. Jon Dykstra, Dr. Wes Bredenhof, have all received this award from their personal blogs in the past. I guess that means this time it is Dr. Ted VanRaalte`s turn to accept it…

The Editors, Dr. Ted VanRaalte, Rev. Jim Witteveen, Mr. Jon Dykstra, Dr. Wes Bredenhof, “are committed to the historic Reformed understanding of Genesis and believe that a failure to maintain the orthodox position not only attacks biblical truth in general, but the gospel of Jesus Christ in particular.”





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