4th Annual Titus 2:1 Award: Nominations
It is December and that means it is time to start thinking about the 4th annual Titus 2:1 Awards for doctrinally sound blogs.
I am changing up the format this year. Instead of my choosing 3 blogs to receive the award, I am going to receive nominations from the readers, and then reveal the 3 finalists on which you will vote for the “winner.”
The rules:
1. Blogs do not need to be a “theology blog”, but the author must hold to a high view of scripture, and that needs to come through in
the articles. Feel free to nominate family blogs, social commentary blogs, theological blogs etc. whatever you think is good. Being confessionally Reformed myself, I will have a bias towards bloggers who hold to the Christian faith as taught in the various Reformed Confessions, however please feel free to nominate those outside of the so-called Reformed “Bubble”.
2. Please do not nominate big time bloggers like Tim Challies, Ann Voskamp or Kevin Deyoung. This is to recognize lesser known blogs (Yes, I gave it to David Murray last year, as I was depressed and he really helped me.)
3. To make a nomination please send me a private message with the URL of the blog, and a short sentence or two about why you are nominating this blog.
If you know someone who has a doctrinally sound blog, please nominate them.