Monthly Archive: December 2015

4th Annual Titus 2:1 Award

4th Annual Titus 2:1 Award

I received a large number of nominations for the 4th annual Titus 2:1 award. Thank you! So many so, that I could not check them all out!  However 4 of the blogs received multiple...

Too Much Empathy?

Too Much Empathy?

“I am too empathetic!” That was not a boast.  It was a complaint. I recently received a message from a young lady who asked why God would endow her with a “ridiculous amount of...

Go and Do Likewise

Go and Do Likewise

  Recently in conversation it came up how the animosity between the Jews and Samaritans in the scriptures, reminded him of the right wing Christian animosity towards Muslims. That got me thinking about the Parable...