4th Annual Titus 2:1 Award
I received a large number of nominations for the 4th annual Titus 2:1 award. Thank you! So many so, that I could not check them all out! However 4 of the blogs received multiple...
Musings about christian things...
I received a large number of nominations for the 4th annual Titus 2:1 award. Thank you! So many so, that I could not check them all out! However 4 of the blogs received multiple...
We moved to Surrey and there was an earthquake to announce that we have arrived. It’s how we roll. I did not feel it; I guess I was just exhausted from the move. But judging from...
Are you blessed? This Christmas we have thanked God for “blessing” us with family, friends, possessions, homes, food, health, and so on. We even head to Instagram and Twitter and post pictures with the...
“I am too empathetic!” That was not a boast. It was a complaint. I recently received a message from a young lady who asked why God would endow her with a “ridiculous amount of...
Recently in conversation it came up how the animosity between the Jews and Samaritans in the scriptures, reminded him of the right wing Christian animosity towards Muslims. That got me thinking about the Parable...
Life is certainly comfortable where we are right now. A nice church family, a great pastor, good jobs, close family, fantastic friends, a great prayer group, an awesome Bible study…yet, despite all these good...
Satire. It has been called the lowest form of argument. And it is true. I am not fond of Satire, and rarely engage in it, because it usually ends up making fun of something...
As a blogger who happens to be identified with the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches, I sometimes receive messages from lovely people warning me about how bad the Canadian Reformed Churches are, that this denomination is...
It is December and that means it is time to start thinking about the 4th annual Titus 2:1 Awards for doctrinally sound blogs. I am changing up the format this year. Instead of my...
The world is going to hell in a hand basket, so the old saying goes. It seems that, day by day, the news is getting worse. Terrorists, refugees, wars, rumours of wars, dead babies,...