A Bible that is Falling Apart…


You may have seen the meme about the Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to a soul that isn’t. This is my Bible I got when I was 16 years old. I have not opened this one in probably 15 years, but it was on the shelf and I grabbed it to do devotions this morning.

Look at all the markings.

When I was young, I was passionate about the Bible and about God. Then the thought struck me that it does not matter how passionate or devoted I was in the past. I was baptized when I was 19 and shortly thereafter I began to slip into self reliance, stopped reading and praying, and slowly drifted away from God. Over a number of years I fell in to all sorts of sin, grew depressed and came to believe that God did not love me. God was faithful however, and pulled me out.

My point is this: we mustn’t rely on how good of a child we were, or how marked up our old bibles are. It doesn’t matter that you professed your faith once upon a time, it doesn’t matter that I did devotions everyday last week, how were they this week? For me: they were sporadic…and that’s not good. We need to daily fuel up with the word and prayer, seeking a personal relationship with the Lord…otherwise we end up relying on our own strength.

This post first appeared on the  One Christian Dad Facebook Page

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  1. Jared says:

    Amen. The devil doesn’t care about our decision for Christ. The devil cares about what you’re going to do today.