Monthly Archive: November 2014

Advent Family Worship: First Sunday

Advent Family Worship: First Sunday

Advent Day 1: Sunday Nov 30, 2014 Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 40:1-5 Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah 9:2 Devotional: Q. These verses are called “prophecy.” Do you know what a prophecy is? A prophecy is when God speaks...

SAD, Depressed Christians.

SAD, Depressed Christians.

I have some friends who love this change in the seasons.  They LOVE winter! For them winter means cozy nights by the fire sipping egg nog, snow angels, beautiful lights and Christmas displays decorating...

Are You Broken? Good.

Are You Broken? Good.

To my broken, hurting, addicted, struggling, at the end of the rope, brothers and sisters. God did not send his son to die for you because you were good enough. God did not send...

Pro Life?  I am Pro Jesus

Pro Life? I am Pro Jesus

“You anti-abortion, mysoginystic [sic] anti-abortion bigots all make me sick!”  Redundant…Oh, there was also some stuff about not caring about the teen unwed mom, Westboro baptists, blowing up abortion clinics and something about posting...