Pastor Appreciation 2014


It is October, that means it is pastor appreciation month. My pastor is Abel Pol. Pastor Abel to some, Reverend Pol to others.  My daughter calls him “The Minister,”  which is a pretty cool superhero name. He signs his name as “AcP” on the weekly church news.  I think that is short for, “A cool Pastor,” which is awfully presumptuous, but pretty accurate, of him.

Although I could be mistaken.

He faithfully brings us the Word each Sunday.  He visits the sick and elderly.  He teaches the children and teens of the church.  He is passionate about each person’s walk with Christ in the congregation. He responds to my crazy, emotional emails with wisdom and grace. I could go on about him, but Proverbs warns us about flattery.  So simply, he is a faithful pastor.  He is my pastor.  I appreciate him.  And I thank God for giving him to us as a shepherd to teach us, and guide us.

Oh and he is not just a Pastor preaching passionately from the Bible up on the pulpit. He is also a normal, regular guy.

Sort of.


Well… I will let you decide.
Abel C Pol

Here he is with a big green microfibre car washing mitt attempting to bring in visitors at the outreach carwash and BBQ our church had last weekend in Chilliwack. You should have seen him waving and smiling at every car that drove by.  Meagan even asked, “Is the Minister dancing?”

Gotta love a pastor who is wiling to get his hands dirty.

Thanks for everything you do for us Pastor!

We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labour among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

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