40 Years Ago Today
40 years ago today Dad married Mom; Opa married Oma; Fred married Cora. God has blessed them with a son and 4 daughters, all of whom have married and have had children of their own. 14 grandchildren (and at least one more on the way) cheerfully call them Opa and Oma. Christmas dinners are a busy time in their house! And I am sure this evening will be really busy as the celebration commences.
In an age of disposable marriages, it is a testament to the grace and love of the Lord that they have been married for 40 years. When the minister asked Dad, “Do you promise to love and guide her faithfully, to maintain her, and to live with her in holiness, according to the holy gospel? Do you also promise never to forsake her, but to be true to her always, in good days and bad, in riches and poverty, in health and sickness, for as long as you both shall live?” I wonder if he knew how profound that covenant was? He was taking upon himself a role of headship as Jesus did for the church. That is true love. The same is also true when Mom answered, “I do,” when the minister asked her, “Do you promise to love and obey him, to assist him, and to live with him in holiness, according to the holy gospel? Do you also promise never to forsake him, but to be true to him always, in good days and bad, in riches and poverty, in health and sickness, for as long as you both shall live?”
Staying married for 40 years and beyond, is not mainly about staying “in love”, or about feelings. It is about keeping a covenant. “…for as long as you both shall live…” is a sacred covenant promise, the same kind Jesus made with His bride when He died for her. It is truly a beautiful thing.
So I personally look to them as an example of marriage, symbolic of the relationship that Jesus has with us.
Congrats and may the Lord bless you with many more years together Mom and Dad!