Kids Say: You mean “PATRIARCHS.”
During family devotions I like to engage the kids – or at least the oldest – in the discussion. Reading Genesis 49 with my family, I asked Kaitlyn, who was in grade one at...
Musings about christian things...
During family devotions I like to engage the kids – or at least the oldest – in the discussion. Reading Genesis 49 with my family, I asked Kaitlyn, who was in grade one at...
During family devotions I like to engage the kids – or at least the oldest – in the discussion. Reading Genesis 49 with my family, I asked Kaitlyn, who was in grade one at...
Last week while driving with my family, Meagan was talking a mile a minute (as 4 year olds do), and her sister Kaitlyn was refuting everything she said. It was both amusing and...
Last week while driving with my family, Meagan was talking a mile a minute (as 4 year olds do), and her sister Kaitlyn was refuting everything she said. It was both amusing and...
I know many reformed Christians, myself included, who think like this about certain things. This is so important. Please take a moment and read this.
I know many reformed Christians, myself included, who think like this about certain things. This is so important. Please take a moment and read this.
Screaming. A loud bang. Silence. Then louder screaming. Crying. I round the corner to see my two little girls in tears crying over the remains of a broken My-Littlest-Pony-Petshop-Barbie-Vetrinarian-Dog-House-Palace thing… Honestly, I have no...
It is time to recommend men for nomination to be elders and deacons in my congregation. While discussing this with a friend he said, “I am going to nominate Mr. X for elder” I said, “He...
Meagan, our 4 year old, asked, “Why is it called Good Friday?” “…because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those...
Rock bottom. Are you there? I have been at rock bottom. It is painful – especially when you first hit. When you get so low that you can no longer see the light. When...