What Should a New Christian Read?
I have a friend who is new to the faith , he has asked me for some book recommendations that are easy to read, biblical and aimed at spiritual growth and walking the Christian life – books that are not fluff. I hate to admit that I can’t think of many beginner level good Christian books. Most of the books on my shelf are around the intermediate level, so I would love to hear your recommendations for new Christians. The criteria, should be easy to read, beginner level, and sound doctrinally – no fluff. Here are the few I was able to think of, click the image to learn more about each:
First I recommend first getting a good study Bible like the ESV Study Bible or the Reformation Study Bible. A good study bible will have footnotes that can help answer some of your questions with certain verses and passages of scripture.
Second I recommend reading The Heidelberg Catechism. Written in 1563, it is still relevant for today and lays out the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. It is a wonderful resource for new Christians, I refer to it often in my own study. Read one or two questions per day and look up the associated Bible verses. If you have any questions, feel free to ask away. Click the link to start reading on line.
5 Things Every Christian Needs to Grow, by R.C. Sproul. This book is, short, easy to read and great for a new Christian. Rc Sproul outlines 5 things all Christians (not just new ones) need to be doing to mature spiritually. Get a free e-copy by clicking on the link.
R.C. Sproul’s Crucial Questions series (17 short booklets) are free for e-download. They are short, to the point, biblical, and I highly recommend them for the new Christian. All 17 take up the fourth spot on my list click the image to download them.
The Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry Bridges. This book addresses our sanctification in easier to understand terms. We are made holy by God alone, but we are not to be passive in our pursuit of holiness.
Putting Amazing Back Into Grace by Michael Horton. Saved by grace. That is what this book is about, I appreciate Michael Horton’s awe at the amazing grace of God in saving sinners. This is truly a must read for any Christian.
God of Promise: Introducing Covenant Theology by Michael Horton. God of Promise unwinds the intricacies of covenant theology, making what appears to be a complex doctrine surprisingly simple and accessible to every reader.
Knowing God, by J.I. Packer, is a short, systematic theology that might be a little harder to read than the rest on this list, but this is probably the book that had the most impact on me aside from the Bible as new Christian.
The Ten Commandments by J. Douma. The ten commandments are not some archaic code, they are the law of God. In this readable (possibly intermediate) book, douma expounds on this law of God.
Those are my recommended readings for new Christians, I would love to hear yours! Feel free to leave a comment.
Don’t Waste your Life by John Piper
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
I would add “Back to Basics: The Richness of the Reformed Faith,” by Douglas Hagopian. It’s a good primer for understanding Reformed worship and practice.
The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.
I love The Letter of James
Towards the Maturity of Faith by Clarence Stam
Easy to understand, short chapters, very rich in relevant topics for our christian life!
I suggest “The Complete Guide to the Bible” by Stephen M. Miller or another really good Survey of the Bible Book (Don’t know of another one to suggest) but the above book covers it pretty well. IMHO 🙂
Nice choices, Ryan. “Putting Amazing Back Into Grace” and “Knowing God” are especially good.