“I’m Thinking of Going to the Doctor For Depression Meds.”

Reposted from HeadHeartHands:

Someone recently told me that he had finally and reluctantly decided to go to the doctor about his painful and debilitating depression and ask about going on meds. I knew this person had tried every other spiritual and commonsense remedy but was simply not getting better.

With his permission, here’s the advice I gave him plus another few points I’ve thought of since. Perhaps it will help others in a similar situation:

So sorry to hear you are still suffering in this way. But I’m very happy to hear that you are going to the doctor’s today. I know you are nervous but I wouldn’t worry about the visit – you will probably be just one of a dozen depressed people the doctor will see that week. He’s used to it.

I’m glad you are willing to consider the meds. The side-effects are usually minimal for most people and are often greatly exaggerated by opponents of medications.

Somebody recently told me that since they started on meds they didn’t have the real lows they used to experience. However, they didn’t have the sweet highs of spiritual communion with God so much either. The reality is that that’s meds at work; to some extent, they do flatten out our emotions – the highs and the lows. But as I explained to this person, taking meds can be an act of self-denial. You may have to deny yourself these fleeting moments of wonderful spiritual feelings in order to function better for all around you who are dependent upon you. Taking meds can be an act of service to others.

Read the rest of the article here.

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  1. Marilyn B. Kok says:

    Excellent article.

    Marilyn Kok Sent from my iPad


  2. Reblogged this on Kaleidoscope of notes and commented:
    had some great ways of expressing support and giving info without over loading the individual