How God Brings About Conversion
I am an Arminian, I guess, actually I am not sure, but I know I am not a Calvinist. But I am curious about Calvinism. I attend a Pentecostal Church and I have a few questions for you…I know what we teach about conversion. Can you please tell me how you believe, as a Calvinist, the God works conversion? I am trying to understand.
Thanks for the question. I am going to defer here to the Canons of Dordt. That is where we “Calvinists” get our 5 points from. Please read the “proof” texts from the Bible as well, these back up what we confess in the confession.
How God Brings About Conversion
God carries out His good pleasure in the elect and works in them true conversion in the following manner. He takes care that the gospel is preached to them, and powerfully enlightens their minds by the Holy Spirit, so that they may rightly understand and discern the things of the Spirit of God. 1 By the efficacious working of the same regenerating Spirit He also penetrates into the innermost recesses of man. 2 He opens the closed and softens the hard heart, 3 circumcises that which was uncircumcised, and instils new qualities into the will. 4 He makes the will, which was dead, alive; which was bad, good; which was unwilling, willing; and which was stubborn, obedient. 5 He moves and strengthens it so that, like a good tree, it may be able to produce the fruit of good works. 6
As a somewhat recovering Calvinist, I agree. Only God does the heavy lifting.