Christ is Glorified in the Death of Tim Bosma
The day after Hamilton Police announced they had found the body of Tim Bosma, Sharlene Bosma bravely made a statement to the media in a press conference held at the Ancaster Christian Reformed Church.
“Yesterday was the most horrifying day of my life, I am broken. Part of me is gone…We will remember Tim. Our daughter will grow up knowing how much he loved her, how he would sometimes watch her sleep, or chase her through the house to tickle, She will know how much he was loved, by me, his family, his friends, and even perfect strangers. Tim will always be loved, and he will always be remembered. I love you, Tim.”
I wept as I watched this heartbroken wife and mother speak. I could not help but weep, while my tears were for her and her family, I also could not help but think of my own family in a selfish way, “What if what happened to Tim, happened to me?” I thought to myself. I also wept because I saw the profound coming together of the body of Christ in that emotional clip. On his blog,, pastor Jeff Loach said this about the clip:
After it was announced that his body had been found, and Mrs. Bosma spoke to the media, who was standing behind her?
Her family, yes – as one would hope and expect. And her pastor.
That spoke volumes to me.
It didn’t have to be her pastor; it could have been her small group leader or a close Christian friend. Either way, her faith community was part of her support network. They were “there” for her in her time of trial.
Her church family is there for her, the body of Christ being a hand and foot to each other. When one suffers we all suffer – and that is displayed in the death of Tim Bosma as his church family rallies around Sharlene and her family. Some may ask, “Where was God in all this?” “How could God let this happen?” God was there. He was calling his beloved child home. He is still here. His spirit is working through this tragic death to bring to light the glorious gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ through Facebook and Twitter of all places. He is working comforting the grieving and strengthening the weak. Tim’s death does not make sense to us, but to God it does. Christ is glorified in his death.
Many congregations across the Christian Reformed Church will be singing “In Christ Alone” on Sunday, May 19. Not being Christian Reformed my church won’t be singing “In Christ Alone” but I will post a video here.
In death, Tim has reached more people with the message of the gospel than he possibly would have in life. May the Lord comfort and bring his peace to the Bosma family.
Very much enjoyed reading your blog. I have been so impressed with how Christ’s name has been spoken in the midst of this tragedy and how the family, while they may have questions, have chosen to call evil what it is and not blame God for the actions of evil. Here’s a link to my blog on this story if you want to check it out:
Tim and his family have been on the hearts and minds of so many. I hoped upon hope that he might be found alive but deep down I really knew he wouldn’t…
Aside from this tragic story…the song you put on this blog was meant to be heard by me tonight as my heart is breaking ….not from anything such as this family has endured but something that is family related and there just seems to be no answer right now..but I have to stand on ‘Jesus’ and His love for me and that He sees the tears of the brokenhearted and will heal the hurts and misunderstandings….Diane
Diane, I am glad this hymn gives you hope! It is true, our hope is in Christ alone! When I sing “in Christ alone I stand” I think of HIM standing and me falling in his arms. There is no strength in us to stand except for his strength, “he is the one who stands in victory”…so simply fall on him. Let him carry you and your burdens and cares…Matthew 11:30. Here in the power of Christ we’ll stand. God bless you Diane