Monthly Archive: March 2013
I Had Fun But..Did I Break The 6th Commandment?
I have not been around much on social media as I have been on vacation. Vacation at the Smith home is not simply lounging around and drinking beer and this blogger is not just...
The Heidleberg Catechism. Lovingly referred to as the “Heidelberger” by some Christians of the Reformed persuasion. For many Reformed Christians it is a daily part of life. We read it with our kids, and most of us have...
The CanRC Creation Debate Timeline
If you are in the Canadian Reformed Churches, you are likely aware of the Creation debate that has heated up. The issue at stake is whether the Creation account in Genesis is to be...
Apparently, Sometimes Coveting is Not a Sin.
Recently, I heard an elder in my congregation say “We ( the elders) covet your prayers.” OK. Then the following day I read a blog post that ended with “I covet your prayers.” Really?...
The “R” Word.
Today marks the 8th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day, a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since last year. Each year the voice of people with Down...
Adam and Eve and Me
After my last post about being careful when engaging in controversial subjects, I have received a number of private messages and emails. I have become caught in between the proverbial rock and a hard place, by...
A Sinner’s Prayer
We hear often about the “sinner’s prayer.” Regardless of what you feel about that prayer…Here is the prayer of a sinner who writes under the name of One Christian Dad. I am a...
Blessings of St. Patrick’s Day Upon You
It is Saint Patrick’s Day. This time of year everyone claims to have some Irish in them. They dress in green and drink Guinness, Smithwick’s or Harp… (or if they can’t stomach good Irish stouts,...
Before We Publicly Engage in Controversies like Evolutionary Theory.
In my denomination (Canadian and American Reformed Church) the debate over the validity of Evolutionary Theory within the Biblical creation account is heating up. It appears (not surprisingly) to be a very polarizing issue...