Knowing God

My Pastor, Rev. Abel Pol, preached yesterday on “Hallowed be your name,” the first petition of the Lord’s prayer.  I appreciated this sermon very much.

Here is a quote from the sermon:

“Knowing God is not the same thing as knowing about him.  Did you hear that?” ~ Rev. Abel Pol

Yes,  I heard it.

This is such an obvious and biblical truth, one that I have heard before, one that we all likely have heard before, yet it is one that smacked me between the eyes yesterday.  I needed to hear that as I devote more time to studying God’s word to learn more and more about God. As we study God’s word we do well to ensure that we are not simply academic about our study, but that we are seeking the true God and that personal relationship with him.  We are not saved because we go to a particular church, or prayed a prayer one time, or were baptized, or because we know a lot about him and can impress others with our biblical knowledge.  We are saved because we are known by God, and have a personal intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Here is a clip from the sermon.

Watch the entire sermon here.

If you would like to read more on this topic of knowing God, then I suggest reading the book of the same name: Knowing God by JI Packer

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No Responses

  1. Darren says:

    What readings and text did he use for this sermon, or was it a Lord’s Day sermon?