Tasty Tidbits: 1-21-13

Verse of the Day

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ ~ Romans 5:1

Quote of the Day – Today I have 3 quotes.

“It’s What Society Wants.”

Late term abortionist, Dr. Fellow, openly admitting that he was killing human beings for his vocation and shrugging it off with this response during a debate with Stephanie Grey of the CCBR.  During a conversation following the debate, Dr. Fellows said,

I would be naive to not think that history will judge us harshly.” 

“Indeed it will. It is chilling to see someone openly admit that he engages in the gruesome destruction of human life in Canada, and that our society endorses this.” ~ Maaike Rosendal

Image Of the Day – January 21 is MLK day.MLK_portrait_fi

Women Are Worthy  –   An interesting article that shows how women can use their God given talents and abilities to His glory and the up-building of the church – and that does not simply mean serving coffee, baking and bearing children.  Read it  here.

We Know They Are Killing Children—All of Us Know – Abortion kills a human child.  Read John Piper’s arguments here.

MLK’s Dream and the Nightmare of Black Genocide – An article by David Mathis.  If the title doesn’t grab you, nothing will.  Read it here.

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