How I Evangelize My Workplace.
A reader emailed me about his desire to share the gospel with his coworkers, but he had no idea how to do it. To paraphrase he said, “I am scared to share the gospel. How do you do evangelism at work?”
Let’s first define evangelism. Evangelism is the communication of the gospel message of Jesus Christ. It includes a warning, an explanation, and a call. A warning about sin and the consequences of sin. An explanation of God’s remedy for sin—the gospel. And it includes the clear call to repent (turn from sin and to turn toward God) and believe the gospel by faith. What this means is that simply living a Christian life is not evangelizing, being a person of integrity is not evangelism, giving someone a bible is not evangelism (if they actually read it then perhaps it is…), cooking food for the needy is not evangelism, telling someone that God loves them is not evangelism. All these are important, but if we boil it down, there are really only three parts to biblical evangelism:
- Share the whole gospel message.
- Call people to repent of their sins and trust in Christ’s work for salvation.
- Oh wait…That’s it. I guess there are only two points. Then let the holy spirit work. After a person repents and believes, then begins the lifelong process of discipleship and sanctification…(join a church, get baptized, learn, grow…etc.)…
Pretty simple huh? That is evangelism in a nutshell. Now, that is all fine and dandy, but I know that is not what you were asking me. You were asking me how to do it. How do I do evangelism at work? Do I simply walk up to my coworker s and beat them over the head with the bible? Do I wear a sandwich board that says “The end is nigh?” Do I get up on my soapbox with my bullhorn and do some “street preaching” on the Campus Green space? If I did these things at work I would lose my job really quickly, be escorted off property by security, and in the process I would lose my opportunity to reach these people any further with the gospel message. Don’t lose the opportunity to share the gospel because of well-meaning but misplaced zeal! So this is how I do workplace evangelism.
- First and foremost: I have daily personal devotions. Think of your devotions as if it was like sleep. You need sleep everyday to function physically…and you need devotions everyday to function spiritually.
- At work, I do not hide that I am a Christian. I talk about it naturally – it is amazing how often it will come up in conversation. Monday’s and Friday’s are usually prime evangelism days (but not the only ones) for me…When people ask how my weekend was, or what my plans are for the weekend… Church always comes up and that segues into #3.
- I ask my coworkers if they believe in anything, or how their faith life is. When (if) they answer I do not argue or force my views on them, I just listen and ask if they would like to hear what it is I believe. This segues into sharing the Gospel message…
- I am also open to listening to my co-worker’s problems, and sharing my own problems, as long as it is not gossip. I will talk about how God’s faithfulness is a comfort even in the midst of my problems. I will offer to pray with them. This usually segues into sharing the Gospel…
- I may give coworkers a Bible to read or another Christian book. I will offer to read the bible with them. This usually segues into sharing the Gospel…
- I share my story; some call it a testimony, of God’s faithfulness in my life. This usually segues into sharing the Gospel…
- I endeavour to train myself to be able to answer objections and questions about my faith and of course this may segue into sharing the Gospel…
- Once I have shared the gospel, and given a Bible, and offered to read it with them, I will invite them to church or to a bible study…I have yet to have any current coworkers accept this invitation…but I am still praying and doing.
If someone accepts your invitation to go to church, tell your pastor, so he can meet with you and your friend before or after the worship service. Your pastor will be able to answer any questions that you are unable to.
Remember that we do not convert people. We do not save people. Salvation is God’s work. He alone saves. But he uses us to spread his message. Do your part and God will do his. Share the message and then let the Holy Spirit Work.
That is how I evangelize at work and I hope that it will encourage you to do the same.