Tasty Tidbits
Welcome to my new column, Tasty Tidbits. A number of readers asked me to do a regular post with with a few short items. I thought that I would give it a shot since it makes for easy writing (although I would never admit that to you). I enjoyed putting this together, and you can now see the kinds of things that I read for recreation.
Verse of the Day
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12
Quote of the Day
“If you’re not praying for influence on people, is it because you don’t think what you believe matters or people don’t matter?” ~ John Piper
Picture of the Day:
The End of an Era
It is not a secret that I admire John Piper. Sure we differ on some points of theology, but God has certainly used this man to further the gospel of Christ Crucified. Today is John Piper’s last day as the Pastor of Preaching and Vision at Bethlehem Baptist. In the Desiring God Blog he states:
“For some of us, not only is the year ending, but so is a life-ministry. When the clock tolls midnight I will hand off the senior leadership of Bethlehem to Jason Meyer (with overwhelming gratefulness for God’s goodness). I’ll be on staff until March 31, 2013, but effectively, this season of leadership is over.”
Read Through The Bible In One Year
In his blog post, A Good Plan for 2013, Pastor Wes Bredenhof encourages us to read through the Bible in 1 year and links to some good resources. I have already downloaded a reading list for the year.
Christianity Today’s 2013 Book Awards
Here are CT‘s books of the year, by category, judged by their panelists.
Holland vs the Netherlands
My wife is of Dutch heritage, as are the majority of the people in my congregation (which is not surprising since it has the word “Reformed” in the name.) Someone once asked me what the difference between Holland and the Netherlands was. Here is an amusing and informative answer:
I am of dutch background too, but I knew none of this. Very interesting! Thanks!