2012 in Review
I started this blog on March 8, 2012 as an outreach tool. I wanted to reach out to the lonely, the distressed, the lost and the hurting both within and outside the church. A second goal was to reach husbands/fathers in the church and encourage them to be the spiritual heads that they are called to be. These were my intentions, but I honestly did not think that anyone would read except maybe my mom and my wife. Well, 8 months and 34,000 views from 74 different countries later, I can conclude that not just my mom and my wife have read my ramblings.
God has blessed me through this blog in a number of ways:
First and foremost, my relationship with my creator/redeemer has grown. I have learned a lot about myself, about others, and about God. This blog is a constant reminder to myself to remember to be constant in prayer and devotions.
Second, a number of people have confided in me things I never imagined. At first I was taken aback…”why are you telling a blogger you don’t even know?” But now I see it as an opportunity to help others. Like I intended, right? A handful of men have contacted me seeking advice on how to deal with their addictions, most have since sought counselling. Don’t worry – I know my limits – if the issue warrants it I always advise them to speak to their pastor or a counsellour or seek a 12 step program or an accountability group etc. The issues are varied from pushy boyfriends and “deadbeat” dads, to questions about faith and assurance of salvation, to church unity/pluriformity issues, to how to be a better dad or how to do family devotions, and one young man even asked me how he can be saved.
Third, A number of opportunities have arisen for me due to the bog. I had the opportunity to write for Reformed Perspective, which I have graciously accepted. I have had opportunity to meet/correspond with a plethora of people because of this blog who I otherwise would not have met, both within my church federation and from outside. Corresponding with bloggers like Tim Challies and others has been neat to say the least. This blog also led me to meet the man behind the website Reformed Outfitters, turns out he only lives 30 minutes from me… but more wonderful is that we share the same passion for the gospel… (and for those Canreffers wondering: Yes I asked him to add both the church order and tunes for the psalms/hymns into the R.O. App…we’ll see 🙂 )
Edit: a few of you have asked, “What is the R.O. App?” Click Here.
In all this, I pray that God would be glorified in all. Soli Deo Gloria.
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for my blog.