I have caught up to myself! (In the devotional I am writing.) I have my ideas and outlines ready, but I do not have the time to expand on them for the blog every night. For those of you who are interested in the outlines please feel free to email me and I will send them to you. I will post the article as I finish one. I will focus on finishing all of the Sunday’s and the Christmas day devotions…I did my best 🙂
Now for the excuses: I have been a busy bee lately, and now I am even busier with studies so I do not have time to post every night…let alone work on the book.
First I have a few small emergency management modules to go through to obtain my Emergency Management Certificate from the Justice Institute of British Columbia. These will be done this week but they take up my evenings.
Secondly, I am enrolled in a Locksmith program with a hope to become a certified locksmith in a few months. Having a trade is never a bad idea, and I do most of the lockset repairs at UFV, so it only made sense to pursue the trade and increase my skill set and knowledge base.
Third,I will (DV) finish my Associate of Arts degree in 2013 with a plan of obtaining a BA in the next couple years.
I have a career goal in mind, but God’s plans may be (probably are) different from mine. Regardless, I am taking every opportunity afforded to me. God has blessed me with this job and is now blessing me with the opportunity for education, and I will ensure I make use of every opportunity.
Even though I am pursuing these things, I will not neglect my duty to my God, my family, the church and the world. That is a promise….Oh and I will make time to blog, because as funny as it may sound, reading, studying and researching all things about God, Faith, Religion, Christianity etc. is like a recreational activity to me!
Now I am going to go to bed. Work comes early.
Way to go, Ryan! May The Lord provide you with all you need to seek his will for your life!
Thanks Enid.