Tasty Tidbits
Welcome to my new column, Tasty Tidbits. A number of readers asked me to do a regular post with with a few short items. I thought that I would give it a shot since...
Musings about christian things...
Welcome to my new column, Tasty Tidbits. A number of readers asked me to do a regular post with with a few short items. I thought that I would give it a shot since...
I started this blog on March 8, 2012 as an outreach tool. I wanted to reach out to the lonely, the distressed, the lost and the hurting both within and outside the church. A...
Yesterday I posted the top 10 traffic generating posts of the year. Today I am going to *attempt* show you my top ten favorite posts. These posts have meaning to me, far more than...
I was not shocked this morning when I opened the blog and my stat tracker showed that less than 100 people had visited the site in the past 3 days since Christmas. I have...
It is the 4th Sunday of Advent. I normally do not blog on Sunday, but someone asked if I could post this, and since I forgot to post it yesterday. Scripture Reading: 1 John 1:1-7;...
I watched with amusement and wonder as Nina Grewal reached into her pocket and pulled out a goody bag full of tolerance, political correctness and multiculturalism and then tossed it in front of Christians,...
Every year we hear at least one more doomsday prophecy. From Hal Lindsay to Y2K to Harold Camping, someone somewhere always seems to be predicting the end of the world or at least of...
Christian Living / Christianity 101 / Prayer / The Gospel
by One Christian Dad · Published December 19, 2012
Someone emailed me: “I read your blog on bearing fruit. I have very little fruit to show for my faith in my life. I struggle against sins and I fail every single day. I...
Christianity 101 / On the Lighter Side / Suffering / The Gospel
by One Christian Dad · Published December 18, 2012
If you drink this beer, these girls will party with you: If you drive this car, you will get the woman of your dreams: If you use this protein supplement, you will look like...
Thank you for entering the contest for gift certificates to Underhisgrace.ca. Thank you to Elise and Trish for donating the prizes. I encourage you all to check out the store once it opens in January! Remember...