The Winner of the Rustic Charm Furniture Giveaway is …

Thank you to everyone who entered the  Rustic Charm Furniture Giveaway!

Thank you also for reading One Christian Dad.

Thanks also to Kim for donating This beautiful piece for this contest. She values it at about $75…but I am sure if you tried to buy something like this from Blessings or Celebration it would be well over $200. Please scroll down to view the winner as chosen by Thanks for playing!

And the winner of the Barn Window Frame is… (drumroll please)

… chosen by…

Wenda S!  Congrats! You know who you are, but please avoid jumping around and screaming  until you receive email confirmation.  And remember that I would love  this for Christmas… 😉

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No Responses

  1. Wenda says:

    Totally jumping around and screaming right now. 🙂 Wow, I’m so thrilled, thank you!